Within the Members section of BrightHub, the current list of users in your organisation is displayed.
- These members can update their user profiles whenever needed using the Manage button to the right of the screen.
- Once clicked, you will be presented with the available options. To update our user profile select Manage my BrightID.
- The Manage BrightID page is then displayed and is broken down into three sections.
Profile – Where you can amend your name as well as the region you are based in.
Contact Details – This allows you to update your own address and contact information.
Security – This allows you to Enable and Disable 2FA as well as change your password.
Note: If you disable 2FA on your profile but your organisation has selected it as mandatory for everyone then this will only reset the method used to email. - Directly below the 2FA setting you may select the option to change the password used when logging into the Bright applications.